Reduce, Reuse, RecycleOur mission is to be a good steward of the land and resources God gave us by teaching others how to reduce, reuse, recycle, and go the second mile.
If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles.
Matthew 5:41
About Second Mile
Our original goal with this business was to simplify the process of composting for people who are just too busy to do it themselves.
Since we began our business (originally called Garden of Eden Composting or Compost918), God has sent us down a slightly different path and we’re using this website to document everything.
Our journey has led us to several areas we are passionate about sharing within the home and garden niche.
- Vegetable Gardening
- Landscape Design
- DIY Home Renovation
- Home & Garden Product Reviews
- Garden-Fresh Recipes

Gardening on a Budget
We are working to show you everything we’ve done to build our garden in a very small space and with very little money. It really is possible.
Our Latest Posts
Grow Guide – Carrots
Starting Seeds: Direct Sow: Carrots are best sown directly into the garden bed as they do not transplant well due to their...
5 Family Fun Garden Activities
Spring break is the perfect time to get outside and enjoy the warmer weather with your kids. And what better way to embrace...
Grow Guide – Garlic
Hello Everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Garlic. I'm getting ready to publish our garlic video from earlier this...
Favorite Products
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Mosquito Dunks
It’s only February and the mosquitos are already out! This is a great & inexpensive product to help combat those pesky critters.
At the time of this post, this was on sale for $8.79.
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Thanks for visiting our website. We look forward to connecting with you. If you enjoy Home & Garden content; including cooking & preserving your Harvest as well as Home Renovation Projects on a BUDGET, you’ve come to the right place. We have so much to share with you!