Hello friends! Are you a coffee drinker, by chance? If you follow us on social media, you may have recently seen our posts about a new discovery.
I went to Tucson last month to visit my son and grandson. While there I noticed that my son uses compostable pods for his Keurig. I had no idea there even was such a thing. We have a Keurig in our office at my day job and I absolutely hate that we go through so many of those plastic pods. Coffee purchasing isn’t my decision or I wouldn’t be using a Keurig.
Anyway, when I returned home from my trip I decided to research compostable pods to see where I could find them. That’s when I stumbled upon Tayst. They are an amazing company that is all about sustainability, just like us!

Tayst even had a free sample box that we could request for our office. We received that box last week. We loved the coffee! We just ordered a 2 month supply for our office. There are many flavors and blends to choose from.
If you want to give Tayst a try, please use this referral link and they’ll give you $5 off your first box! http://fbuy.me/sfM5W
Please let them know we sent you. We hope you enjoy Tayst as much as we do! And remember, if you are one of our compost customers, just drop the whole pod straight in to your compost bucket. No more cleaning out those ridiculous plastic cups!