Important Mother’s Day Announcement

Important Mother’s Day Announcement

For a limited time we are offering very special pricing just in time for Mother’s Day. But before we get in to that, we want to tell you about our Mother’s Day Giveaway! All you need to do to enter the giveaway is visit our Registration Page. If you have...
How Do You Compost At Home?

How Do You Compost At Home?

Composting is the breaking down of organic matter. It’s the natural process of organic materials as they de-“compos”e. The United States Department of Agriculture estimates that 30-40% of food in the United States goes to waste. All food has an...
The Movie That Explains It All

The Movie That Explains It All

I just stumbled upon the 2020 documentary “Kiss The Ground”. It explains everything I’ve been working toward. It’s like the whole thing was written for me. You guys have to go watch it as soon as you have a chance. There are a lot of famous...
Facts About Compost

Facts About Compost

What Is Compost? Gardeners and farmers add compost to soil to improve its physical properties. They may even use compost instead of soil to grow plants. Mature compost is a stable material with a content called humus that is dark brown or black and has a soil-like,...
How Does Compost Help With Soil Erosion?

How Does Compost Help With Soil Erosion?

Soil erosion is a naturally occurring process that affects all landforms. In agriculture, soil erosion refers to the wearing away of a field’s topsoil by the natural physical forces of water and wind or through forces associated with farming activities. The...
What’s Wrong With Sending Food To Landfills?

What’s Wrong With Sending Food To Landfills?

Many people don’t recognize the devastating impact food waste has when it is tossed in the trash and subsequently sent to a landfill. Most people just assume the food will eventually break down. The problem is that landfills are an anaerobic environment so...