Exciting News for 2023

Exciting News for 2023

Happy Independence Day! We have some very exciting (and scary) news to share. Garden of Eden Composting will be changing it’s name to Second Mile. As you may know, we went through some growing pains in 2021 as we started receiving more compostable items than we...
Top Composting Household for July

Top Composting Household for July

It was a very close call for the month of July but in the final week of the month, the Hensley household pulled ahead with a total of 21 lbs of composted waste!Since the Hensley’s have started composting with us, they have deterred 63 lbs of waste from going to...
T-Shirt Contest

T-Shirt Contest

https://www.facebook.com/GardenOfEdenComposting/posts/224271512903898 We recently posted the above question on Facebook for everyone to vote on our new T-Shirt design. Now it’s your turn! We can only do one design at a time, in order to keep costs down. (unless...
Mother’s Day Winners Announced

Mother’s Day Winners Announced

In honor of Mother’s Day we gave away 5 prizes to registrants on our website. It took some time but we have finally contacted each of the winners! Here they are: 6 Months of Free Compost Service Includes delivery of a compost starter kit, instructions to get started...