
Welcome to the Gardening section of our site. We are so glad you are here! Over the next few months we will be building out this section to include tutorials for new gardeners, as well as updates and articles on how we built our suburban vegetable garden on an extreme BUDGET! We accumulated a lot of items for free and we want to show you how to do the same.

We strongly believe in repurposing and reusing items so nothing goes to waste. That’s why we hope to inspire you to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Go the Second Mile…for people AND with your resources.

Severe Flooding in our Oklahoma Garden

Severe Flooding in our Oklahoma Garden

We have had a LOT of rain over the past month. I have had to restart my garden 4 different times this year because I keep losing so many plants. Here are some short clips from last night’s storm. These were filmed only 20 minutes after the rain began. Flash flood warnings everywhere.

“If you have a garden and you have a library, you have everything you need.”

Marcus Tullius Cicero

While you are here, would you mind letting us know what brought you here and what type of information you would look forward to seeing in the future?
DIY Organic Soil Mix

DIY Organic Soil Mix

DIY ORGANIC SOIL MIX Hey there friend, I'm going to show you how to make your very own organic soil mix that...